
The perfect app for students, parents, teachers, and schools! Hats off to the developers of this app. They have provided a tool that is a must-have for every school.

Jared Richey - Principal


Education Advantage helps me stay organized with my grades, lunch schedule, sports, and I can message my teachers if I have a problem or have a question.

Caleb Lynxwiler - Student


Great App!!!

Doug Formon - Administration


I can get easy access to everything I need for school and my grades!! Amazing app!



CoMobile was build alongside many teams to help ensure the best APP possible!

Grade Tracking

Students and parents can easily and efficiently check grades at any time without reentering credentials.

Assignment Updates

Students and parents receive instant push notifications whenever an assignment is added or updated.

All In One Solution

Education Advantage connects with existing sources to make every piece of information avaliable to students and parents.


Student Attendance

Parents can conveniently check student attendance including tardies, absences, and excused days.

Parent-Teacher Communication

Students and Parents now have instant access to message any of their related teachers through Education Advantage about assignments, scoring, and more.

Proven Results

With grade reports being more accessible, parents are more likely to monitor their students progress.


Everything you need.

Education Advantage has truly thought about everything that a school might need. In the off chance that there is something missing, we can integrate any feature into your application.

Good Foundation

Education Advantage is supported on all mobile platforms.

Universal Interface

Your school application is designed to be accessible by anyone regardless of their previous mobile experience.

Advanced News Feed

Teachers and administration can write custom and creative news article that students can subscribe to.

  • APP users can subscribe to district, grade, and teacher news subscriptions.
  • Administration decides who can distribute news

Paperless Documents

Signable documents can be distributed by school and grade to parents saving paper, time, and money.

Allocate Accounts

Easily create teacher and administration accounts to the Education Advantage APP.


View student, parent, and teacher activity within Education Advantage.

Full Backups

Everything from parent-teacher messages to daily lunch menu items are saved and backed up. Nothing gets deleted for accountability.

Manage App

Administration members can manage app schedules, news, sports, external pages, and more!

Push Notifications

Send unlimited push notifications to individual students, grades, teachers, and parents! Push notifications can be used for reminders, events, and emergencies.



Get the most advanced and connected solution for your school today. Check out Education Advantage!
Preview video coming soon!

Instant Sports Access

Sports scores can be added or automatically integrated using preexisting streams.

  • Unlimited teams can be added.
  • Current team photo.
  • Optional real time game notifications. (Ex. "Brookland Touchdown 21:7")

Lunch Schedule

Education Advantage includes a breakfast, lunch, sides, and drink menu for each of your lunch schedules.

  • Schedules are easily integrated or added by staff. Unlimited items can be scheduled ahead of time.
  • Last selected schedule is saved in memory.
  • Schedules are limitless. (High School, Junior High, Middle School, etc.)
  • Optional daily lunch menu subscription push notifications.


Download CoMobile

Download the CoMobile App and see it for yourself. Contact us today to get your team added!
